Just a moment

I did it...I finally did it! I actually caught the moment every mom dreams of: I caught my child doing a chore, without being told repeatedly. It was a seemingly small thing, but it was a big resounding scream of respect. I had finished dishes for the evening and child #1 (7 years old) wanted a snack, which then child #2 (3 years old) wants a snack. So child #1 gets a snack, pudding and crackers - it's a thing - which needs a spoon, and they both sat and politely shared the snack. So I steel myself for washing a dish AFTER all the dishes had been for the day. But lo and behold after said snack, I heard the faucet and a then the sound of a dish going in the drainer. I turned around and the following conversation commenced: me: "did you wash your spoon" child: "yes...." me: "wow Thank you so much" child: perplexed at the appreciation "it was only one dish and you did the dishes already" Helping with Dishes Cue the sounds of angels singing and...