Recognizing myself again

It's taken me over 6 months to look at myself in the mirror. I mean, of course I've looked in the mirror...see the messy hair, patchy skin, dark circles, tiredness, unbrushed teeth, acne, gray hairs, vacant stare. I barely recognized the woman I saw there. Yet there was a glimmer there, that fight, that hope started back at me with such force I would be doing myself a disservice if I did not stare back and wave.

Many people go through changes, updates, mid-life crises. That is the one major thing about life, it changes you. How you adapt and change with it, is what makes you - you.

Life kicked me square in the gut recently and I have to slow down and take a long hard look at what I need to do to overhaul my life. What does one do when they need to make changes.... they get on google, the read all the links, they buy all the products, they subscribe to all the news letters. They do the thing, then they get bored, complacent and feel stuck again. Because, let's face it, starting something new, starting over is extremely hard.

I don't have a magic wand. I won't even promise it'll work. I have zero clout to tell you that overhauling your life will make it better. But that sinking feeling in your gut screams: "What if!"

What if you tried 3 "small" things that would make an impact? Lists are fun, right?

  • Do something that scares you.
  • Make goals and plan for them
  • Give yourself grace

Do the scary things 

Fear is a crippling feeling, seeded in self-doubt that will paralyze you if you don't acknowledge it. Too dramatic, maybe, but it's true.
You talk with your friends, spouses, co-workers, social media followers about "I wish I could...*insert redeeming quality here* like you do." Do that, find the resources or reach out to that person and ask them to teach you. Do you want to start public speaking, find a Toastmaster group. Want to start coaching, research and find out what you can offer to people. Want to start selling things as a side gig - sign up with me or just buy something to support me. www.
Ok that was a shameless plug - but that is what I am pointing to. I am not a sales person, I am not someone who would have ever joined a direct marketing company. Yet something over the course of 2 years of using said products, pulled me to press "join".
The kick in the face is that it'll be overwhelming, hard work, and make you feel awkward. You know what makes that better - you being authentic. You putting yourself out there and saying "this is super scary, but I'm doing it". People will believe that over some copy/paste happy script.

Make goals and actually plan them out 

Now raise your hand if you suck at goal setting. Every company interview comes at you with "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Fun Fact - the right answer is NOT "still with this company." Companies ask that question to see if you can set goals that align with their company culture and the role you've interviewed for. 
Most goal setting research will give you steps to set goals, by breaking them down in to short-term goals and long-term goals. Whatever that looks like for you, just go with it. You have a goal to get up and work out every day for a month or train for a marathon. Short term goal may look like simply getting out of bed earlier to allow the time to train. 
Goals are not finite, goals flutter, ripple and change and that's ok. Adapting your goals isn't a failure, taking longer than necessary to meet your goals isn't a failure. You continuing to show up and working towards them when and how you can each day is progress.  

Have Grace

Grace has multiple definitions, mostly directed in a spiritual sense. One that jumped out is as follows: the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.
Grace provides us with the acknowledgement that everyone has their own story, struggles, and ways of going about their own life.
It is important that we use the same grace we can have for others and turn towards ourselves, to just breathe. Why are we so hard on ourselves and more understanding with others?
When you feel yourself falling, not meeting goals, doubt creeping in - take a breath and understand that it's ok. Re-evaluate your actions and come back to yourself. Your struggle, your successes, your "failures" are not anymore or less important than anyone else's.
Grace gives us tools to gain strength, discipline, and growth.  When you extend those tools externally and more importantly internally, you begin to understand and adapt on a level that is inclusive, understanding, and ever-changing.

The world is hard now. You have every validation to feel all the feelings you feel. Sit with them, acknowledge them, unpack them and understand where they are coming from. And in that we grow.



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