Through the Mist...I see clearly

It's was misty/foggy/dreary day yesterday..... there's something about fog and mist that allows one to become more aware and to see things almost for the first time.

Cars, buildings, lights, and people slowly come in to focus - appearing out of nowhere - much like they didn't exist until the fog parts and headlights shine, letting you know that they are there and to pay attention.

The fog tends to blind us, yet it reminds us to keep our eyes open and to watch for important information - such as a car stopping, a person walking, stop lights changing - but it really reminds us to shake our own head to clear the fog and mist and truly see where our life is going. Are you happy? Are you doing something every day to achieve your goals or dreams? Are you spending every moment doing something that you love? and if not....why? What do you need to change to overcome the obstacle preventing you from being happy or achieving your dreams.....or better yet what is stopping you from taking that obstacle and busting through it like it never existed - like it remained in the fog this whole time.

I have never been a selfish person...always putting every one's thoughts, feelings, dreams, wants, needs, before my own. I began to resent everything around me - wondering when it was my turn to achieve my goals and dreams - or did I ever have them to begin I too old to have them anymore...should I just give up and live in the mundane without fulfilling my life. I don't want to say I never fulfilled my dreams nor live with the regret and resentment of having to sacrifice them for other things.

I am in no way saying I hate my life - I love my children, I love my husband, friends and family. But at what point do you say....I have wants and needs too. I will gladly sacrifice my needs and dreams if they help fulfill someone else's....but when is it too much to push and support someone else and continue to watch them bicker and be upset because their dreams are not coming into light. How much harder do you push someone else to do their dream, without giving much more thought to your own?

I've always had a dream of be involved in music somehow - knowing I have no official talent in the playing or performance part - I wanted to be a band manager or promoter. I love the art aspect of music - the posters, the t-shirts, the CD art, the way the fans portrayed art as support, etc. So I surrounded myself with music - going to rock show, hanging out with bands, doing my own art posters, writing lyrics/poems that I could hear in a song, just the whole process of being a musician....hell I married a musician because I loved that lifestyle. But somewhere along the line I stopped.....I stopped going to shows, stopped promoting stuff, stopped talking about it this day I don't know what happened. But there are new beginnings in doors that are shut and it's time I shake my head from this fog.....and start getting back to my dream while still pushing others in theirs.

Everyday I will do something to fulfill my dreams - whether they are my own, for my children, or my husband - I will push until something gives and the world come crashing down so we can build it again.


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