I'm not a crafty person, I don't have the time nor the patience, nor the know how. BUT my good friend Tara is and I envy her because she works full time, is acheiving her masters degree, takes care of her family (of sometimes 5 kids), and still finds time to scrapbook and make fun stuff for her kids to play with...a true super-mom.
The other day she posted how to make play-doh and it seemed simple enough. My 2 year old has never played with play-doh(maybe at grandmas, but never at home)...and I didn't know how she would take to it. But she's having blast, creating shapes, animals, towers, and 'food'. I'm happy that's it's made with 'natural' ingredients in case she does decide to 'eat' it...which she had already popped a couple pieces in her mouth and spit them out because they "taste yucky". The the "Thanks Mom" is all the motivation I need to start looking for some other things to do/make with the kids.
If you want the recipe go to
Tara's Blog.
Flour |
Cream of Tartar |
oil |
water |
stir |
Stir some more |
Getting harder to stir |
finished - cooling |
Added Color |
Playing |
Making cookies |
Playing with dad |
Alligator eating a banana |
Tower |
You're too sweet. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. She's just too stinkin' adorable! (I didn't say, "effing adorable" because I didn't want to taunt you with the whole 'I can swear and you can't!' thing. =o )